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Welch-Dickey Loop

This post is very overdue.....

I hiked this trail back in September on Labor Day weekend and had some great weather, (I know it feels like I say that a lot, but that's why I check the weather apps, so I minimize the chances of getting caught in the rain. Not to say that hasn't happened. But I think my record is pretty good so far), along with some great hiking companions.

This hike is one of my favorites in terms of awesome views without having to get significant elevation gain. This trail is an approximately 4 mile loop near Thornton NH. I would highly suggest taking the counterclockwise loop. This trail has some VERY steep flat rock slabs, which really work those legs and the lungs. This direction is definitely the steeper ascent, but I would not want to come down some of those rock slabs. (see pics below). There is also a cool split in the rocks that you get to scramble up/through, which adds another element of fun to the hike (see pic below).

*As a side note, if you have a fear of heights, this trail might not be the best choice for you, as the views from these sheer rock faces can be a bit daunting if you look out over the views that open up when you are out of the trees.*

The views from the rock climbs are nothing compared to the almost 360 degree view from the summit of Welch. I would highly advise taking the time to have a seat, soak in the views of the valley, have a snack, tilt your head back and soak up some sunshine and fresh air.

There is a descent and then another ascent to get to Dickey Mt summit, where you will then start the second half of the loop and your way back down the opposite side of the U-shaped ridge you've been hiking. There are still some great views from some open spaces on the way back that look out on the valley and the ridge that you hiked up to Welch.

Overall, a shorter hike for some really cool views. It is physically challenging with the steep ascent, so make sure to bring plenty of water (the short distance can be deceiving), snacks (a staple in my pack), and time to work your way up the rock slabs.

Rock slabs, crevice between boulders

views from summits

partial panoramic from Welch

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