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Wanderlust Abroad!! Scotland!!

I recently returned from a trip to Scotland! What an adventure! The people, the food, the sites, the landscapes! It was all breathtaking!

(I feel like I am using a lot of exclamation points, but that's how excited I was/am).

It was truly an amazing trip. Hiked Ben Nevis, the highest peak in the UK, still quite covered with snow at the summit. Awesome views once we got out of the clouds. The sun decided to make a nice appearance and burned off the cloud cover so we had fantastic views from the summit and on our descent. The loch about halfway up was beautiful and came out of nowhere from the clouds and fog. Saw some local hikers toasting with whiskey at the top (felt unprepared as we were without celebratory libations).

The Old Man of Storr hike was equally inspiring in a completely different way; magnificent rock formations jutting from the ground to tower over you, lochs, and the coast within sight as you climbed along the path.

The spring flowers were all blooming and the hillsides were sometimes covered in what looked like Scottish Bluebells (but don't quote me as I just like taking the photos because they are beautiful, not because I have any knowledge of flora).

Of course, we explored villages and towns. Drove along Loch Ness (no Nessie sightings despite keeping my eyes peeled). The people we met were all friendly and eager to give suggestions about what to do, where to go, what to see next.

Like all amazing trips, this one came to an end too soon for my liking. But I left with great memories and some cool photos to fan the wanderlust flames until my next adventure.

Safe travels everyone!

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