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To All Who Wanderlust, Welcome!!

Welcome to NH Hikes & Wanderlust! This site is dedicated to my photography as well as to my explorations.

I started NH Hikes and Wanderlust because photography is something that I heartily enjoy and was honestly surprised by.

I have always loved nature, ever since I was a small child - the different sights and smells, colors, and the ever-changing landscape. I have always loved hiking - the exhilaration of a spectacular view, the feeling of achievement and accomplishment after a particularly strenuous trail. But, I also admit as I got older I was guilty of not always taking the time to fully appreciate all that was around me. Of getting caught up in the destination and not always the journey.

Competition runs in my family and a few years ago I started the NH 48 over 4000 challenge. This seemed to only fuel my drive to reach the end and not enjoy the steps along the way. Until the oh-so-wonderful pandemic and shutdowns. Hiking and the outdoors became even more essential to me as a way to de-stress and unwind. It was then that I started to regain my appreciation for nature and all the beauty that it holds, expansive views and hidden secrets. I started taking more time taking pictures of things I saw along my hikes and wanderings that gave me a sense of calm or peace, thrill or satisfaction.

Photography has helped me stop and smell the wildflowers again. And that is my objective by providing these photographs to you. I want to give you a small piece of that inspiration I was feeling when I snapped the shot. I want you to feel peaceful, calm, exhilarated, and inspired. Inspired to go out and feel the Wanderlust!


I'd like to take a quick minute to thank all my friends and family, who go on hikes with me, explore new trails, get lost with me, and have wonderful adventures!

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