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Sunset on the Pacific

As this was my first trip out to the west coast, this was my first sunset on the Pacific Ocean! And it was beautiful!

After hastily inhaling dinner, we raced to Point St. George beach to catch the sunset. The small parking lot was surprisingly empty. All 7 of us piled from the car to run down the wide, somewhat rocky trail to the beach. There were several other groups either on the beach itself or up on the grassy dunes ready to watch the sunset as well.

It always amazes me how quickly the sun can go down. One minute it is bright and illuminating the sky, the next it is a flaming orange sphere on the horizon, and then it's gone with only a few faint rays creating a rainbow of colors that shift and change until it's dark and the stars come out.

If you are in the area and looking for a cool place to watch the sunset, I would definitely recommend coming here. We had some time after the sun went down to walk the beach a bit and check out some shells, rocks, and wildflowers growing on the dunes. It was a very pretty and peaceful place to take in my first sunset on the Pacific Ocean.

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