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Mt. Carrigain via Signal Ridge Trail

(partial panoramic view from the ridgeline)

Another beautiful weather day for a hike! Sunny so you were sweating on the way up. Breezy at the top to cool you down. Clear day, so you could look back on the ridgeline from the observation tower at the summit.

I found the description on AllTrails to be fairly accurate. I believe I clocked my total distance somewhere between 10.5 and 10.65 miles (taking into account detours for views). I didn't have any trouble with the trail, I thought it was pretty well marked. The lower portion of the trail meanders along a stream. Which this year, with all the rain, had lots of musical waterfalls and inviting pools. On a hotter day I would be very tempted to take a dip or soak my feet. I found the uphill portion of this hike to be pretty challenging. Lots of rocks to clamber over and a steep ascent. When you finally break through the tree line and walk along the ridge the views are beautiful down into the valley and you get your first look at Mt. Carrigain summit.

When you summit there is a fire tower with plenty of space at the top for several pairs or a few groups of hikers. The top of the tower gives you 360 degree views of the surrounding areas and they were stunning.

On this particular day we met several groups as we stopped at the top of the tower for lunch. As it turns out, one of the individuals was completing her 48th peak that day on Carrigain (see post about NH 48 over 4000 footers). After congratulating her, the other hikers started talking about their favorite 48/400 peaks as several were also avid hiker who had either completed or were in the process of completing the challenges themselves. One individual was working towards her 48 peaks and asked which one would be a good mountain to finish on. Advice and suggestions were passed around the group. Favorite snacks were offered up as well. It was one of those rare times when people who know nothing about each other, but have something in common that they enjoy, struck up a pleasant conversation before wishing each other well and going on their own way.

I love those moments. In a world where often, people are more apt to yell than offer a kind word. Having a genuine conversation out surrounded by nature, doing something I love makes that hike and that day just a little bit better.

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