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Mmmmmm, blueberries!

It's blueberry picking season! I'm not the fastest picker, and it's takes me quite a while to fill a bucket. But it is so worth it. Fresh blueberries in yogurt are my go-to; tart and tangy. I am looking forward to trying my hand at making blueberry crumble this year (with help from a crumble mix from Carter Hill Orchard farm store)

This year, so far, I have picked at: Lyman's Orchard in Middlefield CT and Bartlett's Blueberry Farm in Newport NH. And hopefully I'll get the chance to pick at a few more places before the berries have all gone.

Speaking of Carter Hill - You can find some of my items at their Farm Store!! Coasters (which are not found online) and cards at this time are on display. This is very exciting for me; the first store to take on my products in person!

I'm looking forward to picking more fruit as the season progresses.

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