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First 4000 Footer Winter Hike

For those of you who don't know, there is a challenge in NH called the 48 Over 4000. There are a designated 48 mountain peaks over 4000 feet (elevation) which people hike to complete the challenge.

Mt. Moosilauke is one of the 48 peaks on this challenge list. I have hiked it before in the summer, but never in the winter. In fact, I have never done a 4000 in the winter before. So this hike was a new experience for me on a few levels.

Great weather for this hike - sunny, clear skies and only a little wind.....until coming out of the tree line onto the exposed summit and then it was WINDY! We were only able to stay at the summit long enough to take a few pictures, hastily eat a sandwich, put on an extra layer of gloves, and head down the other side.

Overall a gorgeous and exhilarating day!

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