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Basin Cascade - great any time of the year!

As much as I love pushing myself physically on hikes and getting great views from the summits, the weather has been a bit touchy for me these past few weeks. I can admire those brave individuals who hike the higher peaks in all kinds of weather, but I don't feel I have the right experience or gear for that, so unless the weather is looking perfect, I avoid the higher elevations in the winter.

But....I still need to get my nature fix. Basin Cascade fit the bill this time. I have done this paved walk before and have loved the cascading waterfalls, roaring basin, and gentle sound of the stream. This time around, the gently sloping paved path was a different experience. The path is currently a sheet of ice, and while I dared the short trek in only boots, I would not recommend that for anyone with unstable footing. I should have gone back for my crampons in the car, but I was feeling lazy and didn't want to walk the 50 feet back to the lot. I did see several people, including a family with small children, turn back and head for less slick adventures. Luckily, I did not fall and made it from the parking lot to the Basin intact.

As before, the waterfalls along the way and the Basin itself did not disappoint. There is something so cool about watching the pounding water enter the circular basin where it has worn away the rock into this beautifully smooth bowl. And I just love watching the shifting colors as the water ripples along.

There is also a viewpoint from above the Basin, for those individuals who either are not inclined or cannot descend the short (and currently icy) path.

The trail that leads along the Basin, several waterfalls, and a stream is overall an easy and quick walk. But please look out for the ice this time of year! Safety first!

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