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48 over 400 Peaks Challenge Completed!!!

Mt. Washington - Standing at 6,288 feet it is the highest peak in the U.S Northeast. It has been labeled as home to the "world's worst weather" with significant rapid weather changes. Record lows and wind speeds; a record wind chill measured at -108 degrees F in 2023. You never know what you are going to get when you hike this peak. It could be a beautiful day or not so much.

My day started cloudy with high humidity. It felt like I was breathing in a sauna. By the time I summited there was a nice breeze, but still cloudy with limited visibility and views from the peak. It wasn't until I descended past the Lake of the Clouds hut on my route back down that the sun came out. And when it arrived it did so in full force, giving me a nice sunburn in about an hour and a half (which I suppose isn't saying much since I burn pretty easily to start with, but still hot!).

With all the rain we've had in NH in June and the start of July the trail down was full of rushing water falls and water crossings. But it was totally worth it to finally complete the 48th peak in the 48 over 4000 Challenge!!!

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